Diploma in VFX Editor

By NCTA Team Last Updated: September 28, 2024


A high end diploma in VFX editing focusing on developing skills and expertise to professionals. This one-year/2 semester diploma course offers an in-depth knowledge of VFX techniques, which are both basic and advanced types. Students will have a hands-on role to play within industry-leading software packages and develop high-end visual effects for many different types of media such as: film, television or digital on-line.

Learning practical compositing and advanced VFX techniques while others master the artistry behind color correction, students even mingle with professionals in the field to develop their own reel, get ready for work,and understand what it takes business-wise. Resources such as local VFX editing museums and internships mean graduates of the program will graduate from Full Sail ready to work in the field with a variety or projects under their belt.

National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF) Level - 5


Course Objectives

The Diploma in  VFX Editor is a course / professional qualification which will bestow expertise upon candidates who pursue this route on working as visual effects editor. This is a full-stack program, providing both essential and expert skills in VFX as it takes industry-standard software to create high-quality visual effects across any number of media. We teach students the basics of compositing, color correction and 3D tracking so they can begin making high quality visual effects sequences.

This course is tailored for students from zero level to professional based on realtime projects and ready to showcase portfolio of yourself. It goes through the entire VFX pipeline from pre-production until post production,. Thus developing an integrated knowledge of how a VFX is made. Professional development is a key component of the program, with aims to not only provide practical training but also support in building portfolios, preparing for interviews and networking within VFX. After which the students would be able to work on high-end VFX projects, or go further into specified areas in movies, TV shows, animations and all other forms of digital content.

Course Curriculum

This is a comprehensive course in basic and complex VFX techniques, using time-tested software applications. Engineered as a progression model, the curriculum takes students from rudimentary comprehension through to professional skill level training and specialization within VFX roles. The program is practical-based to make sure that the skills each student garners can be immediately put into action with real-life projects, which students will include in a stylish portfolio.The key subjects includes:

Semester I

  1. Introduction of Visual Effects and its role in Media
  2. Introduction to VFX software
  3. Basics of Compositing and Layering
  4. Fundamentals of Color Correction and Grading
  5. Graphic Design
  6. Video Editing
  7. Photography Principles

Semester II

  1. Basic Animation and Keyframing
  2. Nuke
  3. Match Moving
  4. Storyboarding and Animation
  5. VFX Techniques for Film and Television
  6. Introduction to 3D Modeling and Texturing
  7. Understanding the VFX Pipeline in Detail

Career Opportunities 

The candidate passing out from the Diploma in VFX Editor will have a wide career opportunity as to choose their profession and work related with visual effects(VFX). In fact, this all-inclusive training program enables the students to perform artistically as well as technically in creating and managing various visual effects across different media formats. The following are some typical career options:

  1. Texture Artist
  2. VFX Artist
  3. Animation
  4. Compositor
  5. Motion Graphics Designer
  6. Game VFX Artist
  7. Freelance VFX Artist

Course Features

Course Code D-VOC-008
Duration 1 YEAR/600 HOURS
Category Diploma in VFX Editor
Fees 12500*2=25000

To know more about our this course, feel free to call us at:

+91 9733600770